
Posted Feb 12th 2023

The European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) Study Group on e-Government

Deadline for proposals extended to 31 May 2023!

The 2023 Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration will be held in Zagreb, Croacia from 5th to 8th September 2023. The Conference...

Posted Feb 8th 2023

The University of Stirling is investing in the next generation of researchers by making funding available for doctoral research.  This research can be undertaken in a number of CRISP related subject areas.  Deadline for applications is 14 April 2023.  So, why not come work with CRISP!

Research clusters include:

Democracy, Human Rights and Communication/Advocacy in the Digital...

Posted Jan 27th 2023

Well this is an unexpectedly brilliant end to the week...St Andrews CRISPS Tristan and Kirstie can barely sit still as our brilliant ex PhD student Janis (pictured) has won the Stefano Rodotà award in the 'Thesis Works' category. Huge congratulations Janis! 

Janis' doctoral work has featured on the CRISP blog a number of times. In case you are not aware of it, Janis examined the...

Posted Jan 27th 2023

This post is in memory of Elia Zureik, who sadly passed away on January 15th 2023. Elia was one of the early pioneers of surveillance studies and an ally of workplace surveillance as a topic of study.  He will be deeply missed and fondly remembered by the surveillance studies community. 

David Lyon writes:

Elia was born in Akka, Palestine, in 1939, studied at San Francisco...

Posted Jan 19th 2023

CRISP Director Dr Lachlan Urquhart and CRISP Member Dr Diana Miranda are leading a new project with Dr Alex Laffer and Dr Irena Connon examining future uses of Biometric Artificial Intelligence systems in Law Enforcement. 

Funded by the EPSRC Trustworthy Autonomous Hub, this project sees the team exploring the emerging state of the art in Biometric AI systems, such as live automated...

Posted Dec 19th 2022

CRISP is delighted to celebrate the release of the 20th Anniversary edition of Surveillance and Society.   The issue includes reflective pieces from the journal's founders, including CRISP director Kirstie Ball and Stephen Graham, and some of its previous editors including CRISP director Pete Fussey.  Other pieces discuss the challenges facing surveillance studies in the future, and the way it...

Posted Dec 16th 2022

Hello everyone, it's book proposal time again!

Thanks to everyone who currently has sent us their proposals for review. We are currently working on some very exciting manuscripts which should be hitting the shelves very soon indeed. 

As some of you may already know, CRISP runs a book series for Routledge entitled Routledge Studies in Surveillance. It's important to us that new...

Posted Dec 16th 2022

Hello everyone, it's book proposal time again!

Thanks to everyone who currently has sent us their proposals for review. We are currently working on some very exciting manuscripts which should be hitting the shelves very soon indeed. 

As some of you may already know, CRISP runs a book series for Routledge entitled Routledge Studies in Surveillance. It's important to us that new...

Posted Dec 2nd 2022

Heri Setiawan has joined the Stirling Management School, University of Stirling as a PhD student.

Heri is researching processes of technological and informational innovation in public services. His research explores the stages of innovation-development process in the public services and investigates barriers and critical success factors. He is supervised by Professor William Webster...

Posted Nov 22nd 2022

CRISP is very pleased to welcome Sahngmin Shin, who is a PhD student in the School of International Relations at the University of St Andrews.  Sahngmin is researching the relationship between technology and the government and is supervised by Dr. Catherine Jones and Dr. Joe Burton.

Her research interests include Digital Authoritarianism, Cybersecurity, East Asia and Politics in The...
