
Posted Dec 11th 2023

Trans-European Dialogues (TED) are series of scholarly conferences on timely topics of public administration, jointly organised by the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) and the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee). TED2024 is high level conference bringing together senior public administration experts – academics and...

Posted Nov 15th 2023

Richard Kjellgren recently successfully defended his PhD, titled “Dark Spaces of Precarity”: Networks and Complexity in the Off-Street Sex Market, which was completed at the University of Stirling, and supervised by Dr Niall Hamilton-Smith and Dr Dave Griffiths. His PhD explored the role of technology in facilitating exploitation in the UK’s internet-mediated off-street sex market, and...

Posted Nov 13th 2023

The AI Safety Summit’s Bletchley Declaration(2) is a timely contribution to current – and future – debates about how and why the several forms of artificial intelligence (AI) should be regulated. Signed by 29 countries (including the collective entity of the European Union), its heart is in the right place in terms of the goal of ensuring that AI innovations are...

Posted Nov 9th 2023

Join colleagues at Erasmus University in April 2024 to engage in thought-provoking discussions that explore the intricate relationship between surveillance, chilling impacts, new technologies, and their consequences

The widespread integration of AI into surveillance technologies within the realm of public safety has become increasingly prevalent, exemplified by the likes of biometric...

Posted Oct 30th 2023

Independent report on changes to the functions of the Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commisoner arising from the Data Protections and Digital Innovation (No.2) Bill 2023.  By Professor Pete Fussey and Professor William Webster.

Press Release from the Biometrucs and Surevillance Camera Commisioner:

A new report points to a ‘worrying vacuum’ in government plans to safeguard...

Posted Oct 11th 2023

Tianqi Bi is a new PhD student at the University of Edinburgh Law School working on designing trustworthy ways of sharing data. She is supervised by Dr Lachlan Urquhart and Professor John Vines. Her research involves cross-disciplinary aspects of data law and interaction design. She aims to explore how to take citizens' digital rights from theory to reality and facilitate trustworthy data...

Posted Oct 9th 2023

Mariana Canto is a PhD Candidate at the University of Stirling where she is part of the interdisciplinary cluster on Democracy, Human Rights and Communication/Advocacy in the Digital Age and is supervised by Dr. Damian Etone, Dr. Professor William Webster, Professor Rowan Cruft, and Dr Edit Freyo. She investigates how the recent increase in scrutiny regarding legal mechanisms to control the...

Posted Oct 3rd 2023

This new report presents research from the ‘Critically Exploring Biometric AI Futures’ project. This short project was led by CRISP Director Dr Lachlan Urquhart at the University of Edinburgh with co-lead and CRISP Member Dr Diana Miranda at the University of Stirling, and a research team of Dr Irena Connon (University of Stirling) and Dr Alex Laffer (now University of Winchester).


Posted Sep 30th 2023

Stuart Kerr is a PhD student at Coventry University, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Evronia Azer and Professor Sally Dibb. His research project is on Technologically-enabled monitoring, privacy and datafication of UK homeworkers.  

Stuart has a long-standing interest in optimal performance management that has grown...

Posted Sep 12th 2023

The 2023 European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) Permanent Study Group 1: eGovernance Best Paper Award has been awared to Isabelle Fest from Utrecht University for her paper titled 'The doings behind data: An ethnography of police data'.  The award is sponsored by IOS Press and Information Polity, and celebrates the written work of early career scholars.

Congratulations Isabelle...
