
Posted Jun 9th 2022

Call for Papers Deadline extended to 10 June 2022

For this special issue of the journal Information Polity we are interested in papers on the topic of open government data for citizen participation. 

Special Issue Guest Editors are:
Shirley Kempeneer, Tilburg Law School, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Johan Wolswinkel, Tilburg Law School, Tilburg University, The...

Posted Jan 25th 2022


The 2022 Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration will be held in Lisbon, Portugal from 13th to 16th September 2022. The Conference is being organised by the European Group for Public Administration and INA - Portugal. For this conference, the Permanent Study Group on e-Government requests: (1) abstracts for papers...

Posted Jan 20th 2022

We are delighted to let you know that 2021 saw three new titles published in the Routledge Studies in Surveillance book series, edited by CRISP. These titles feature the latest empirical and theoretical scholarship on surveillance. Congratulations to all of the authors!

Trust and Transparency in the Age of Surveillance is an edited collection of works curated by Lora Anne Viola and Paweł...

Posted Jan 17th 2022

We are very pleased to announce that the paper 'Data protection for the common good: Developing a framework for a data protection-focused data commons' has now appeared in the journal Data and Policy.  The paper was lead authored by soon-to-be CRISP PhD graduate Janis Wong. It addresses how existing data stewardship frameworks may limit the potential for everyday citizens to become more...

Posted Jan 13th 2022

Researchers from the University of Stirling – working with colleagues at the Universities of Warwick, Osnabrück and Bonn – will seek to identify emerging consumer issues in the UK and Germany related to smart technology and assess how their consumer laws cover these issues. The collaboration will scope the potential for mutual learning between the two legal systems and recommend changes to the...

Posted Jan 11th 2022

A research team from the University of Stirling, including CRISP Director Professor William Webster, has been awarded a research grant to review best practice relating to how police forces introduce new emerging technologies into policing practice.  The research project is designed specifically to support the Scottish Government funded Independent Advisory Group on the use of emerging...

Posted Dec 17th 2021

CRISP is delighted to announce that a state of the art literature review, covering surveillance in standard, remote and platform work is now available.

The review has been authored by Kirstie Ball in conjunction with the Joint Research Council of the European Commission. It integrates research from the business disciplines and considers implications for managers, organizations and...

It's a book and a heart, because we still love books!

Posted Dec 17th 2021

Hello everyone! It's book proposal time again!

We've been a bit slow off the mark announcing the call this time around (pandemic and all that), so we've offered an extended deadline to the end of January. 

As some of you may already know, CRISP runs a book series for Routledge entitled Routledge Studies in Surveillance. It's important to us that new, exciting, book-length...

Posted Nov 19th 2021

CRISP is delighted to announce that a new research project has been secured to undertake an evidence review of the use body-worn video cameras in a policing context with specific reference to policy-citizens relations.  The Stirling research team includes Professor William Webster, Dr Diana Miranda and Mr Charles Leleux.  The research is being funded by the Scottish Institute for Policing...

Posted Jun 22nd 2021

*This article was first published on the VUB Chair in Surveillance Studies Blog, June 11th 2021 and is inspired by a seminar on workplace surveillance that took place on March 19th 2021. It implicitly quotes and paraphrases speaker Kirstie Ball*

Following a UK Supreme Court decision ruling that Uber drivers are in fact workers, Uber announced March 16th 2021 that its 70,000 drivers will...
