1st Annual Conference of the Scottish Law and Innovation Network

Sustainable Innovation, Law, and Policy in a Post-Covid World
The Scottish Law and Innovation Network (SCOTLIN) is delighted to announce its 1st annual conference, to be hosted at Stirling Highland Hotel, Thursday 21st-Friday 22nd April 2022.
Law and Innovation in Scotland: Working with and outwith academia
Chair: Rossana Ducato (Aberdeen)
Panellists: Amanda Millar (Law Society of Scotland), Iain Q Mitchell QC (Faculty of Advocates / Scottish Society for Computers and Law), Steve Drost (CodeBase), and Mariano delli Santi (Open Rights Group).
Nothing Compares 2 EU
Chair: Lorna Gillies (Edinburgh Napier)
Oles Andriychuk (Strathclyde), Sustainability and Competition Law: Reconciling the Irreconcilable?
Arletta Gorecka (Strathclyde/Stirling) EU Competition Law and Privacy: the new theory or the old problem?
AI Got You Babe
Chair: Martin Kretschmer (Glasgow)
Lilian Edwards (Newcastle and Ada Lovelace Institute), Regulating AI in Europe: "I wouldn't start from here"
Lorna Gillies (Edinburgh Napier), Artificial Intelligence: Which Court Applies? What Law Applies
Righting Copywrongs
Chair: Iain Q Mitchell QC (Scottish Society for Computers and Law / Faculty of Advocates)
Aline Iramina (Glasgow), Copyright Governance by Algorithms: rules and standards on transparency
Jade Kouletakis (Abertay), Decolonising Copyright: Reconsidering Copyright Exclusivity and the Role of the Public Interest in International Intellectual Property Frameworks
I Can’t Get No (Regulation)
Chair: Lilian Edwards (Newcastle)
Irène Couzigou (Aberdeen), Delegation of State Functions to Digital Companies: A Sustainable Solution to Secure Cyberspace?
Martin Kretschmer, Ula Furgał, and Philip Schlesinger (Glasgow), The emergence of platform regulation in the UK: an empirical-legal study
Every Step You Take I’ll Be Watching You
Chair: Burkhard Schafer (Edinburgh)
Zihao Li (Glasgow), The Reason Behind the EU Data Protection Law’s Failure to Effectively Protect Users from Online Algorithmic Pricing
Daria Onitiu (Edinburgh), Defining the Levels of Trust Informing Data Protection during the Covid-19 Crisis
Tristan Henderson, Anna Mitchell and Anthony Zhu (St Andrews), Decentralised data protection
Data: I’m Not Your Property as from Today
Chair: Tristan Henderson (St Andrews)
William Webster (Stirling), Is all data the same? The ramifications of big data practices in public services
Patricia Živković (Aberdeen), Face/Off: A Holistic Legal Overview of Biometrics and Biometric Data Series – Property Law and Monetisation
Guido Noto La Diega (Stirling) and Estelle Derclaye (Nottingham), Data Sustainability. How Do We Open Up Data in the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Chair: Jade Kouletakis (Abertay)
Angela Daly (Dundee), Law, disruption and technology
Thorsten Lauterbach (Robert Gordon), “What a good place to be!” - social health and teaching during the pandemic
Lang May Yer Lum Reek
Chair: William Webster (Stirling)
Mo Egan (Stirling), Future-proofing Justice Through Automatic Online Convictions
Burkhard Schafer (Edinburgh), Callum Nash (Northumbria), Wendy Moncur (Strathclyde), Jo Briggs (Northumbria), Emma Nichol (Strathclyde), Leif Azzopardi (ACM), Lethal in small doses: environmental metaphors for privacy protection in the infosphere
For further information or if you would to attend please contact Dr Guido Noto La Diegaundefined [guido.noto.la.diega@stir.ac.uk]
Further information about SCOTLIN can be found here.