CFP: EGPA Permanent Study Group I: eGovernment

2017 EGPA Annual Conference, Milano, Italy
The European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) in close collaboration with Politecnico di Milano is organizing the 2017 EGPA Annual Conference to be held from 30 August to 1st September in Bovisa (Milan). The event will be preceded by the PhD Symposium on 28 and 29 August.
As always, we are proposing a theme for the meeting, but also invite members and other researchers to submit abstracts drawing on their current research. For 2017 we invite papers the theme of Remote/Portable Technology, i.e. papers which examine theories, concepts, ideas or case studies exploring the impact of remote and/or portable technologies (existing or emergent) on (e-)government, including the delivery of electronic public services and the development of public policy. Technologies whose impact might be explored include, but are not limited to:
- Mobile phones and tablets;
- Drones;
- Body worn and portable cameras;
- Robots;
- Sensors (including Fitbits and similar monitoring devices);
- Electronic watches;
- Personal area networks.
For those who may be new to the group, please note that it is not necessary to address the workshop theme in your submission. Papers on other topics in the broad area of e-government, ICT in public administration and e-democracy and on your own current research in these areas are welcome.
Publication of Papers
We hope to bring some strong papers together and publish a special issue of Information Polity in 2018. Papers may also be published in the Electronic Journal of e-Government and in the International Review of Administrative Sciences. Subject to editorial review, the best paper from the conference will be fast-tracked for publication in Information Polity.
Further Information
Up to date information on the workshop, as it becomes available, will be mailed to you directly. In due course the call for papers will be available at:
Albert Meijer, Utrecht University:
William Webster, University of Stirling:
Frank Bannister, Trinity University, Dublin: