
Posted Apr 18th 2019

Surveillance Camera Day will be a national event to encourage a conversation about the use of surveillance cameras in modern society. The day is not meant to be a celebration of surveillance cameras, but is intended to encourage awareness about surveillance cameras and a debate about how they are used in society. Of particular importance, is the pressing need for a nationwide conversation...

Posted Apr 17th 2019

Elaine has joined CRISP as a researcher on the ESRC funded SmartGov project. Her recent doctoral research examines the use of 'acceptable use' rules and processes in the UK library sector. Elaine will be based at the University of Stirling.

Posted Mar 18th 2019

The 2019 Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) will be held in Belfast, North Ireland from 11-13 September 2019. The Conference is being organised in collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast. For this conference, the Permanent Study Group on e-Government requests (1) abstracts for papers relating to the meeting theme of innovation labs, and (2) those...

Posted Feb 8th 2019

Professor Pete Fussey has been asked by the Surveillance Camera Commissioner to lead a new strand of his national strategy focusing on human rights. The work will focus on foregrounding and embedding human rights principles into national surveillance policy instruments. A blog post of planned work has been published on the Surveillance Camera Commissioner's website here.

Posted Oct 24th 2018

CRISP would like to extend a warm welcome to new PhD students Janis Wong and Anuj Puri.  Both join us on St Leonards Interdisciplinary Studentships. 

Janis is jointly based in the Department of Computing and the School of Management. She is supervised by Dr Tristan Henderson and Professor Kirstie Ball. Her PhD will address the instantiation of values in the data science process. 


Posted Oct 24th 2018

Kirstie Ball has been appointed to a five year research fellowship at the Surveillance Studies Centre (SSC) at Queen's University in Canada.  She has been collaborating with the centre on research projects for nearly 20 years and the appointment cements this long standing and productive relationship.  

Kirstie's current role in relation to the work of SSC involves being the St Andrews...

Posted Oct 23rd 2018

International Research Society for Public Management

16-18 April 2019, University of Victoria Wellington, New Zealand

A number of leading technology commentators have argued that we are on the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We have seen significant advancements made in fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing (better known as 3D printing...

Posted Oct 22nd 2018

Scope of the Special Issue
Whilst concepts and approaches associated with e-Government and the smart city appear to be focussed on delivering better services, they differ markedly, with the former focussing on the administrative and enhanced use of ICTs and the latter on creating an environment for innovation and radical new ways of using data, including data emanating from social media....

Posted Aug 17th 2018

Publication date 17 August 2018

Part of the CRISP Routledge Studies in Surveillance Book Series

Published by Routledge here.


Many contemporary surveillance practices take place in information infrastructures which are from the public domain. Although they have far reaching consequences for both citizens and their rights, they are not always subject to...

Posted Mar 22nd 2018

Deadline for abstracts extended until 15th May 2018!

Whilst concepts and approaches associated with e-Government and the smart city appear to be focussed on delivering better services, they differ markedly, with the former focussing on the administrative and enhanced use of ICTs and the latter on creating an environment for innovation and radical new ways of using data, including data...
