The saturation of media coverage of surveillance and spying (including GCHQ, the Snowden revelations, Mrs. Merkel’s mobile), together with the furore over phone hacking, has elevated the salience of information and privacy issues in the public and political consciousness. Whether this attention will be converted into changes in policy and practice remains to be seen, as new public issues...
A new game which looks at how much personal information people are willing to reveal freely online and its cost to them, has been launched by The Open University Business School. This game enables you to explore issues relating to surveillance encountered in everyday life.
Play the Privacy Game with friends or against the computer assuming the identity of various characters: Hacker, Bank...
The Living in Surveillance Societies (LiSS) COST Action (IS0807) invites doctoral research students from any academic discipline to participate in an international Doctoral Training School to take place in February 2013. Participation in the School will be...
CRISP has hooked up with the Royal Society of Arts to deliver a public workshop entitled 'Surveillance, Privacy and Security: Rights, Responsibilities and Challenges'.
The event will take place at the St Stephen Centre, Edinburgh on Saturday 21 March, 9.30am - 12.30pm
Speakers include: Professors Charles Raab, University of Edinburgh; William Webster, University of Stirling; and,...
The IRISS project, funded by the EC under the 7th Framework Programme, has just published a major 412-page report entitled Surveillance, Fighting Crime and Violence. The report analyses the factors underpinning the development and use of surveillance systems and technologies by both public authorities and private actors, their implications in fighting crime and terrorism, social and economic...