CRISP Visiting Scholar:Jędrzej Kupczyński

CRISP would like to welcome, Jędrzej Kupczyński, a visiting scholar from the University of Warsaw in Poland, who will be visiting CRISP in the latter part of March 2023. During his visit Jędrzej based in the School of Management at the University of Stirling.
Jędrzej is a prosecutor in the District Public Prosecutor’s Office for Wola District, Warsaw, Poland. He is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Criminalistics at the University of Warsaw. Graduate of Polish National School for Judiciary and Prosecution. His scientific interests are related with criminalistics, forensic science and criminal justice and especially include: forensic toolmark examination (he is a co-author of research based book ‘Strategy of Contemporary Burglars’ published by Polish Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police) as well as new technologies in policing. He is a member of a research team devoted to investigating the efficiency of Body Worn Video used by law enforcement agencies. Professionally he deals with organised economic crimes, as well as drug trafficking and automobile theft.
Jędrzej will be presenting insights from his doctoral reseach and the Polish doctoral research process in Stirling on 29th March 2023.
Polish experiences with body-worn videos in legal and social contexts - how do they follow global surveillance trends?
12.30-14.00, 29 March 2023, University of Stirling
The paper tends to describe the state of affairs with Body Worn Video (BWV) in Poland, trying to compare them with global trends and disputes on inviting new technologies to policing. This description will be accompanied with a presentation of soon-to-be initiated research on BWV, held at the Department of Criminalistics at the University of Warsaw. Speaker, being a part of this research team, will share his approach and methodology, as well as discuss preliminary results and considerable case studies. The presentation will also serve as a pretext for providing curious facts about a Polish doctoral process and conducting research in law in general.
If you would like to attend the seminar please contact Professor William Webster.