Routledge Studies in Surveillance: It's book proposal time!

It's a book and a heart, because we still love books!
Hello everyone! It's book proposal time again!
We've been a bit slow off the mark announcing the call this time around (pandemic and all that), so we've offered an extended deadline to the end of January.
As some of you may already know, CRISP runs a book series for Routledge entitled Routledge Studies in Surveillance. It's important to us that new, exciting, book-length scholarship about surveillance in all its forms has an outlet. Information about the series can be found here.
We open a call for proposals twice a year, in December and June. During these periods you can submit proposals to us. We will give you feedback on your proposal and do all of the liaising with Routledge as well.
If you decide to submit a proposal you'll need to consult and follow Routledge's guidelines for book proposals. We welcome monographs, collaboratively authored research books and edited collections. Please contact us if you'd like to discuss a proposal, even if it's in an embryonic form.
Happy writing and stay safe!